Saturday, July 5, 2008


Last fall, Scott tore up the entire back yard. He used CAUTION tape to keep the dogs out of all but one small section left for them to do their "thing". He relaid all the sprinklers, composted the yard, then planted new grass seed.

Slowly the yard started to sprout over the winter. The dogs were anxious to get to the yard, but Scott was very very protective of his yard. No one dared step "human" or "dog" feet on HIS area.

Finally, after a long winter, and many mis-haps of the dog's having to be taken to the local park to do their "thing", the yard was ready to be opened. We had a ribbon cutting, wrapping the ribbon around the dogs, and letting them run free! How beautiful the long grass looked. Our backyard quickly looked like a feild of WILD GRASS, until it's first mowing.

Unfortunatly, within a few months of spring/summer days arrival, the grass started to slowly disappear in patches. At first we thought it was due to the dogs "stuff", but it was too spread out. Scott had planned on planting a SUMMER grass, but I argued for the dogs to not be banned from the yard again. We agreed to start again, this time only fencing off a third of the yard at a time. Scott put up a nicer green fencing this time. No more crime scene for us!! YEH!!

Copying my garden idea, I pulled Mulberry branches from the scrap yard to make a path to my new garden, and Scott tilled around the path and planted a WINTER/SUMMER grass seed, reccomended by the local University of Redlands landscapers. Even torn up, the yard is already looking better.

A week later, we are rejoicing as we see little blades of grass appearing!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

what awesome fun! i love working in the yard though mine is beyond hope. it's great to see the growth and progress! good job!