Sunday, July 24, 2011

Fruits of Our Efforts!

The Harvest has begun!
  • First 2 cucumbers, taste GREAT!
  • Tomato's (Celebrity and Early Girl) are finally starting to ripen. Have already enjoyed a pasta salad and a capri salad. YUM!
  • Strawberries are still a bit small, but still worth tossing into a vanilla ice cream concoction.
  • Basil is hanging in there. The leaves arent as big as Trader Joe basil, but enough to add flavor to my salads!
  • Garlic was harvested on June 22 (2nd day of summer) as instructed. Very puny cloves, but have tried in salads and on homemade pizza and just as flavorful as the store bought big cloves. Not sure if we will harvest again, as it is not expensive to buy throughout the summer. They were a bit of a dissapointmnet when we pulled them out. Looked more like green onions than garlic.

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